BF Honan Ltd
Address: 21E Norman Spencer Drive, Papatoetoe, Auckland 2104View on google maps
Phone: 09 278 6052
or 09 278 2520
B.F. Honan Ltd is a New Zealand plastics manufacturer & distributor founded in 1988 and situated in Manukau.
We specialise in a range of “unbreakable” and “dishwasher safe” Polycarbonate drinkware for a variety of uses including the hospitality industry, kindergartens, hospitals, festivals, special events, boating and camping.
We also sell, service and supply spare parts for:
The “JuiceXPRESS” commercial juice extractor.
The “Flavorama” real fruit / ice cream blending machine.
The “Little Jem” real fruit / ice cream blending machine.
Contact us for retail stockists and information.