Business Directory

Health and Safety/OSH

6 listings, showing 1 to 3

Accreditation Ltd

Address: 5/17a Ryan Place, Manukau, Auckland 2241
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Phone: 0800 888 508

Accreditation was formed to provide quality Hazardous Substance Engineering, Approvals, Certification and Operations Advice and Training to Industry. Accreditatation covers the major aspects of Safety, Design and Hazardous substance handling for Industrial sites HSNO Hazardous Substance advice areas include:

HSNO & Worksafe HSAW workplace Hazardous Substance Handler Training

Hazardous Substance & Certified handler certificates - where workers use hazardous substances

Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS and Emergency Response Plan reviews - for recognised safety issues

Hazardous Substance Location certificates - Approvals where Hazardous Substances and DG are used and stored

HSNO & HSAW Stationary Container certificates - Approvals for Hazardous substance tanks

Dale Jennings Associates Ltd

Address: 625 Redoubt Road , Flat Bush, Auckland 2109
View on google maps
Phone: 021 0234 9095

Practical Compliance systems to achieve legal, professional and contractual compliance.

We specialise in low cost, on-line solutions for mandatory record keeping developed in over a decade working with charities and non-profits

* H&S (non-industrial)
* Privacy
* MSD Accreditation
*Health and Disability standard NZS 8134:2021
* Professional Development requirements
* Incorporated Societies under the 2022 Act
* Charity returns