Business Directory

Government & Community

50 listings, showing 22 to 24

Interworld Fundraising NZ Ltd

Address: 5a Ryan Place, Manukau 2241
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Phone: 0800 272 473

Interworld Fundraising New Zealand Ltd is a NZ owned and operated company with a genuine concern for the needs of schools, clubs and groups in providing high-quality resources and facilities for these New Zealanders.

We have a long history in fundraising with 45 years of experience and have, over this period, helped schools and clubs in the local community raise over $100 million towards important fundraising projects. At Interworld Fundraising we aim to provide you with quality products that also offer an attractive margin to help you achieve your target more quickly. We like to make fundraising as easy and effective as possible.

We support our partners with an amazing range of prizes and incentives, making it easier to keep your fundraising team motivated and focussed on the goal. We also have special deals and seasonal promotions that help add value to your fundraising campaign.

Key Assets NZ Limited

Address: Building 5/17 Lambie Drive, Manukau, Auckland 2241
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Phone: 09 263 5151

Key Assets is a not for profit organisation which operates as an independent out of home care provider, contributing to the social services sector.

As a non-government foster care provider, we provide foster care placements for children and young people with high and complex needs. We work hard to provide the best foster care experience for children in alternative living arrangements, their families and our foster carers.

King of Kings Church

Address: 57M Cavendish Drive, Manukau, Auckland
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Phone: 09-262-4403

King of Kings Church features a commitment to helping people find God through the Born Again experience.

Embrace personal growth through our discipleship programs (guidelines for new Christians, and our Phaze 1 program ).

Encounter His presence through Holy Spirit-led worship.

Enlarge yourself through our leadership training courses called Phaze 2, designed to explore your God-given destiny.

Successful Christian living (Guidelines for New Christians) is a 12-week course. which covers a wide range of Subject pertinent to new believers, e.g. how to talk to God, the Bible, water baptism and so on.

Visit our website for our service and meeting times.
