Business Directory

Government & Community

50 listings, showing 13 to 15

Deaf Aotearoa South Auckland

Address: 19B Ronwood Avenue, Manukau 2241
View on google maps
Phone: 0800 33 23 22

Deaf Aotearoa is a non-government organisation representing the voice of Deaf people, and it is the national service provider for Deaf people in New Zealand.

We are involved in a number of support services for Deaf people in NZ, including:

- employment
- youth programme
- learning sign language
- interpreting programme

Visit our website for our full range of services.

Office open for enquiries and appointments:
Mon to Thur: 9:00am to 4:00pm
Friday: appointment only

Dress for Success Manukau

Address: 12 Lambie Drive, Manukau 2241
(Open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 3pm)
View on google maps
Phone: 0204 377 276

Dress for Success Auckland is dedicated to empowering women and helping them attain economic independence. We are a charity dedicated to changing the lives of women in need. We provide professional work attire, styling, confidence and career advice, as well as on-going professional networking, leadership skills and retention programmes. Our vision is every women succeeding; where women do not live in poverty; are treated with dignity and respect; and are strengthening their families and shaping their communities. We are driven by our worldwide values of excellence, accountability, commitment, respect, integrity, teamwork and innovation.

Each client referred to Dress for Success receives:
- a wrap-around service so she feels confident and prepared for her job interview
- a one-on-one consultation with a volunteer stylist providing an interview outfit, make-up, jewellery, styling and valuable confidence-boosting
- access to our Career Centre Programmes

Emerge Aotearoa

Address: Building 5/17 Lambie Drive, Manukau, Auckland
View on google maps
Phone: 09 265 0255

Emerge Aotearoa provides a wide range of community-based mental health, disability support, addiction, offender rehabilitation, peer support, family and whānau support, employment services, training, learning/education and housing services.
