Business Directory

Education and Training

19 listings, showing 16 to 18

Te Whare Wananga o Awanuarangi

Address: Building 1/19 Lambie Drive, Manukau, Auckland
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Phone: 0508 92 62 64

Rukuhia te mātauranga ki tōna hōhonutanga me tōna whānuitanga.

Whakakiia ngā kete a ngā uri o Awanuiārangi me te iwi Māori whānui ki ngā taonga tuku iho, ki te hōhonutanga me te whānuitanga o te mātauranga kia tū tangata ai rātou i ngā rā e tū mai nei.

Pursue knowledge to the greatest depths and its broadest horizons.
To empower the descendants of Awanuiārangi and all Māori to claim and develop their cultural heritage and to broaden and enhance their knowledge base so as to be able to face with confidence and dignity the challenges of the future.

Vaka NZ

Address: C3/710 Great South Road, Manukau, Auckland
View on google maps
Phone: 09-390 7644
or 0220433536

Join us on our mission to ignite the next wave of STEAM entrepreneurs

e-STEAM¹⁰¹ is an education package, focused on teaching 3D printing and entrepreneurship to educators, students, youth and adults across Aotearoa. 3D Printing is an exciting technology with incredible potential, but learning how to do it can often seem difficult and intimidating.

That's exactly why we created e-STEAM¹⁰¹. It's the perfect solution to get your school or community group feeling inspired to start!

Our Print Station Package is an all-inclusive service.

We procure the perfect setup for your needs and deliver on-site installation at your school or organization.

These print stations will have everything you need to get a running head start, without all the stress. We procure everything for you, from the machines and materials, to the tools and the shelving.

Once the print station is installed, we'll give you the full tour and show you how it all works.

Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design

Address: Level 2, 3 Osterley Way, Manukau 2241
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Phone: 0800 800 300

Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design is a private art school that has been running for almost 40 years.

The new Manukau campus is located above the Manukau library. Fashion Tech, Arts + Design and Digital Media foundation certificates, and a Level 4 information technology course which started in February 2020.

Whitecliffe offers you a unique opportunity to study in an environment that will develop your creative ability to its fullest potential.