Te Whare Wananga o Awanuarangi
Address: Building 1/19 Lambie Drive, Manukau, AucklandView on google maps
Phone: 0508 92 62 64
Email: gwyneth.lewis@wananga.ac.nz
Rukuhia te mātauranga ki tōna hōhonutanga me tōna whānuitanga.
Whakakiia ngā kete a ngā uri o Awanuiārangi me te iwi Māori whānui ki ngā taonga tuku iho, ki te hōhonutanga me te whānuitanga o te mātauranga kia tū tangata ai rātou i ngā rā e tū mai nei.
Pursue knowledge to the greatest depths and its broadest horizons.
To empower the descendants of Awanuiārangi and all Māori to claim and develop their cultural heritage and to broaden and enhance their knowledge base so as to be able to face with confidence and dignity the challenges of the future.