Business Directory

Education & Training

24 listings, showing 7 to 9

iSmart Tutoring

Address: 21 Putney Way, Manukau, Manukau 2241
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Phone: 0800 223 628

iSmart Tutoring provides Maths and English Tutoring for primary & secondary students.

We create a personalized learning system for each student tailored to individual requirements and help with school work.

We use computer based programmes which provide detailed student reports and frequent feedback.

We have experienced teachers right there with you!

We can achieve amazing results in a very short time!

Here, children are not only acquiring knowledge and study skills but also confidence, patience, and the right attitude to deal with success and failure.

John Walker Find Your Field of Dreams Foundation

Address: 770 Great South Road, Wiri
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Phone: 09 216 5146

The John Walker Find Your Field of Dreams Foundation is a not for profit charitable trust, aimed at encouraging the young people of Auckland’s area of greatest need to pursue a more active lifestyle through sport and physical recreation that would lead to a fitter, healthier and more caring community.

The Foundation was born out of a vision to bring about a positive change by providing every young person the opportunity to participate in an active, healthy lifestyle through sports and other forms of physical activity. We believe this will produce fit, healthy and active young people who will make positive choices, daring to pursue their dreams and maximising their potential for positive, fulfilling lives.

We are determined to make a difference.

Kids’ World Education Group

Address: 116c Cavendish Drive, Manukau 2241
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Phone: 09 869 8700

Proudly shaping young minds and lives across New Zealand

At Kids’ World we understand and embrace the fact that 83% of any one person’s learning is within the first five years of their life. Through our network of centres across Auckland, Wellington and Manawatu, we are proud to help shape the lives and minds of tamariki in this age group.

From small steps into early childhood education, we are now proud to be taking giant steps in this sector, progressively growing our collective of centres. Yet, like many other ingenious Kiwi businesses that are family-owned, we have let our growing size affect our sense of curiosity and innovation. This reflects in our culture, people and programmes.

Respect & Care
Learning & Growing