Accurate Locksmithing & Security Engineering
Address: 42C Lambie Drive, Manukau, Auckland 2104View on google maps
Phone: 09 262 3955
Accurate Locksmithing & Security Engineering is an Auckland based company with a full service shop and factory and numerous mobile locksmiths and security technicians in fully equipped vans that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to serve Auckland when a locksmith or security engineer is required.
Our company and technicians are certified by the Ministry of Defense for their work so you can rely on our integrity and standards. Accurate is a Living Wage Company that is known in the industry as a great place to work. We are supporters of environmental causes and charity causes such as Sea Shepherd, Oxfam and Unicef
We are known for our attention to detail (being Accurate is a serious goal), fair pricing, and service culture. Our locksmiths and technicians are some of the best in Auckland and New Zealand. We are not a franchise but an independently operated company that has been around since 1983.
Services provided across Auckland Super City.